As part of the Bonn Water Lecture series, this online seminar (please find details how to join per zoom below) has been organized by the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and the Center for Development Research (ZEF) at the University of Bonn, Germany.
It will bring together experts to share their views on the nexus between water-energy-agriculture-health-environment systems for resilient and sustainable futures in light of the global pandemic.
Facilitators: Luna Bharati, IWMI; Jonathan Lautze, IWMI
One Health: Water Related Aspects: Prof. Mariele Evers, University of Bonn
Resilient Infrastructure: Dr. Jeff Opperman, World Wildlife Fund (WWF), USA
Water-Energy-Food Nexus for Resilience and Sustainability: Prof. Stefan Uhlenbrook, IWMI
The speakers will present and discuss: (i) examples of inter-sectoral water management approaches for optimal health for humans, animals, plants and the environment; (ii) potential for and barriers to upscaling successful examples of nexus systems and resilient infrastructure; and (iii) the way forward.
Covid-19 has exposed vulnerabilities in existing systems. Most governments are currently focused on developing immediate response plans – overwhelmingly focused on containing health risks. Nonetheless, as the impact of the virus slows, there is recognition of the need for better post-pandemic systems – a world that might be characterized by a ‘new normal’, which is more resilient to future shocks. Precisely how the new normal is realized remains to be seen. However, there is strong ambition to build more resilient and sustainable systems that can withstand future shocks and disruptions while supporting sustainability in all its dimensions (environmental, economic and social). In the context of water management, at least three aims need better attention and integration: (i) health aspects of water management need to be mainstreamed, (ii) water infrastructure needs to be resilient, and (iii) the water-energy-food nexus needs implementation with sustainability and resilience at its center. To foster progress toward realization of these aims, this webinar will include presentations on how the ‘One Health’ approach can be incorporated into water management, how the use of resilient infrastructure can become standard practice, and how the water-energy-food nexus approach can strengthen the focus on sustainability and resilience.
How to join:
Please register with presse.zef@uni-bonn.de
The online seminar will be held on Zoom via the following link:
Meeting ID: 924 6360 1703
Password: 671308
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Meeting ID: 924 6360 1703
Password: 671308
Find your local number: https://uni-bonn.zoom.us/u/aeed7JvDzp
We are looking forward to seeing you all on Zoom next Tuesday!
On behalf of the organizers
Your ZEF PR team
ZEF’s press and public relations team
Center for Development Research (ZEF)
University of Bonn
Genscherallee 3
D- 53113 BONN
Phone 00 49 228 731846 or 736124
Bonn Alliance for Sustainability Research
German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)
Tulpenfeld 6
53113 Bonn