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Panel discussion in Düsseldorf 
[Event Language is German]

“Freedom, Peace, Security and Development: The United Nations between aspiration and reality”.

In 2020 the United Nations will exist for 75 years. Founded against the background of the catastrophe of the Second World War, the mission of the United Nations comprises nothing less than the preservation of world peace and the promotion of international understanding while securing prosperity in a freely organized world society.

Especially now, under the influence of the Corona Pandemic, the question arises: But what has the world organization been able to redeem from this and what role should and can it play in the future? This event organized by the State Chancellery of North Rhine-Westphalia aims to provide a political assessment of the role of the United Nations in the fields of peace, security and development – including current challenges such as violent conflicts in the Middle East, the Horn of Africa and the Sahel, global flight movements, the spread of epidemics and the struggle for a new climate policy.

Experts from the UN city of Bonn will discuss the topic:

Prof. Dr. Anna-Katharina Hornidge 

Director, German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)

Prof. Dr. Conrad Schetter

Scientific Director, Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC)

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schlie

Henry Kissinger-Professur, Center for Advanced Security and Strategic Integration Studies, University of Bonn


Prof. Dr. Jakob Rhyner 

Scientific Director, Bonn Alliance for Sustainability Research/ Innovation Campus Bonn (ICB), University of Bonn,
formerly United Nations University (UNU)


Dr. Stephan Holthoff-Pförtner

Minister for Federal and European Affairs, International Affairs of North Rhine-Westphalia

Contact Person: Susanne Heinke, BICC, pr@bicc.de

Please register here for this event. The spoken language is German.