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Worth Reading and Watching – Page 5 – Bonn Alliance

Category: Worth Reading and Watching

No easy fixes: Government workers perception of policy (in)coherence in the implementation of the Post-2015 Agenda in Mexico

The Paris Agreement, the Sustainable Development Goals, the Sendai Framework and the New Urban Agenda share a vision of global sustainable development, with several overlapping goals and targets. However, these agendas are often treated along sectoral boundaries leading to highly branched implementation. Underusing potential synergies is not only a burden for governments due to the costs of redundancies and inefficiency but can also hinder collective goals and lead to inter-agenda trade-offs. Despite growing attention on policy coherence in research and policy, existent literature fails to explain why it is so hard to achieve despite widespread recognition of its theoretical value.

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A behavioural perspective on the drivers of migration: studying economic and social preferences using the Gallup World Poll

This paper addresses the self-selection of potential migrants. In particular, the study examines whether risk and time preferences explain a significant proportion in the movement heterogeneity of individuals. It is further intended to shed light on the role of social preferences (trust, altruism, reciprocity) as potential migratory determinants. By making use of a unique cross-sectional data set on migration intentions (Gallup World Poll) and experimentally-validated preferences (the Global Preference Survey) covering 70 countries worldwide, a probit model is estimated.

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New YouTube Video

Have a look at our latest video explaining the Digitalization Sustainability Matrix!

The project “digitainable” investigates possible positive and negative impacts of the rapid progress in digitalization and artificial intelligence on sustainable development. […]

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New InsuRisk report

On December 9, 2020 at the 4th InsuResilience Global Partnership Forum, UNU-EHS and the InsuResilience Secretariat launched their new report, Disaster Risk and Readiness for Insurance Solutions in Small Island Developing States (SIDS).
The InsuResilience Global Partnership is the world premier global coordination forum on disaster finance and climate risk insurance. The annual Partnership Forum acts as a convening space for decision makers, implementing organizations, private sector, academia and civil society to reflect, share and learn how societies can better prepare for future risks. […]

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Five things you need to know about health infrastructures

As the world battles the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it has become very clear that societies depend on functioning healthcare facilities. The sufficient availability of hospital beds, healthcare staff, protective gear or ventilators can make all the difference between a situation that is still manageable and a severe crisis. UNU-EHS Senior Scientist Dr. Simone Sandholz explains five important lessons on health infrastructure.

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2020 Europe Sustainable Development Report launched

Das Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) und das Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP) veröffentlichten am 8. Dezember 2020 den Europe Sustainable Development Report. Es handelt sich um den zweiten unabhängigen quantitativen Bericht zum Fortschritt der Europäischen Union (EU), der Mitgliedstaaten und anderen Europäischen Ländern bei der Erreichung der Ziele nachhaltiger Entwicklung (SDGs), die von allen Mitgliedstaaten der Vereinten Nationen im Jahr 2015 beschlossen wurden. […]

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The Digitalization Sustainability Matrix: A Participatory Research Tool for Investigating Digitainability

Rapidly increasing applications of Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence (D&AI) are already impacting our day-to-day life substantially, along with social and economic prospects worldwide. The accelerating utilization of D&AI has stirred the discussion concerning the responsible application of technologies for assisting the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). D&AI can raise productivity, lower costs, reduce resource intensity, and enable efficient public services. However, there are also risks and downsides that we all must identify and tackle to address any potential short-/long-term undesired impact. Notably, there exists a gap in knowledge about the mutual relationships between D&AI and the 17 SDGs. […]

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BICC’s Global Militarization Index (GMI)

This year’s BICC Global Militarization Index (GMI) will be published on 3 December 2020 (in German and English). The Global Militarization Index (GMI) describes the relative weight of the military apparatus of a state in relation to society as a whole. For example, it puts the gross domestic product in relation to military expenditure. The GMI 2020 covers 151 countries.

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Sustainable Digital Transformation of Disaster Risk

This article explores the relationship between digital transformation and disaster risk. Vulnerability studies aim at differentiating impacts and losses by using fine-grained information from demographic, social, and personal characteristics of humans. With ongoing digital development, these characteristics will transform and result in new traits, which need to be identified and integrated. […]

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