What does the future of sustainability look like? How will societies worldwide deal with sustainable development after 2030?
The program line “Sustainability – Looking beyond 2030” offers the partners of the Bonn Alliance a platform to address this perspective.

The Head Office supports interested colleagues from the Bonn Alliance partner institutions in bundling their contributions to a “post 2030”-perspective under a common umbrella, discussing them with each other and communicating them to a larger audience.
The partners can contribute their own existing events and formats to the S-LB2030 program line as well as organize events and formats independently of existing projects. Conceived formats include expert workshops and working groups (closed expert rounds for in-depth work processes) and dialogue events (e.g., panel discussions with a public audience). The Head Office supports the partners of the Bonn Alliance in designing their formats (if necessary), in addressing Bonn Alliance colleagues, and in event promotion (website, newsletter, social media). S-LB2030-related materials and limited funds for non-personnel expenses (in-kind and travel) are available.
Interest in organizing an event under the S-LB2030 program line should be communicated with the Head Office (s.gilgan@uni-bonn.de) as early as possible. The organizational preparation time is strongly dependent on the format.
For more information, planned as well as past activities and downloads click here.
Kugel links: Photo by Marc Schulte on Unsplash
Kugel rechts: Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash