As part of the “Forced Migration and Refugee Studies: Networking and Knowledge Transfer” (FFVT) cooperation project
we would like to cordially invite you to our online workshop
“(Im)mobility in international research cooperation: knowledge and partnerships between the South and North, East and West” on 22 June (9:45h-16:30h CET).
This workshop provides a platform for representatives of academic and policy-oriented forced migration and refugee networks to engage in a dialogue to explore, discuss and critically reflect on questions of structural and content-related cooperation among networks and in international cooperation projects in the field from Southern, Eastern and Northern perspectives. The objective is to identify opportunities and obstacles and to come up with practical steps that we, as a community, can take to work towards more participatory and co-creative approaches in international knowledge cooperation.
The workshop is part of the cooperation project FFVT and it is organised in cooperation with the German Network for Forced Migration Studies (NWFF). It is a logical next step that succeeds the joint NWFF and FFVT event ”CoNet Connecting Networks – Strengthening international partnerships in refugee and forced migration studies” held on 31 May 2021.
The FFVT cooperation project is aiming to strengthen interdisciplinary research on refugees and forced migration in Germany and internationally. Partners in FFVT are the Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC), the Centre for Human Rights Erlangen Nuremberg (CHREN, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg), the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) and the Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS, Osnabrück University).
FFVT brings together research on migration, development, conflict and violence, climate change, health, governance and human rights and other topics. The aim of the project is to link academic activities across these fields and thus increase the visibility of research on refugees and forced migration both in Germany and internationally by initiating new collaborative research and promoting a dialogue between academia, practitioners, the media and politics.
Find a tentative programme outline with further details here and visit the FFVT project website for background information (https://ffvt.net/en).
Participants should send RSVPs by 17 June 2021 to Ms. Laura Jeske (Laura.Jeske@die-gdi.de).
Questions related to workshop content should be directed to Mr. Merlin Flaig (Merlin.Flaig@die-gdi.de).
Bonner Allianz für Nachhaltigkeitsforschung
German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)
Tulpenfeld 6
53113 Bonn