Lade Veranstaltungen

By Talitha Dubow
16 December 2020
12.30 hrs
Virtual (via Zoom)

The presentation will give an overview of the preliminary findings from fieldwork conducted in Albania in January 2020, as part of Work Package 2 (WP2) of the Advancing Alternative Migration Governance (ADMIGOV) project. ADMIGOV is an EU-funded Horizon 2020 research project designed to promote an alternative migration governance model. Within WP2, Maastricht University is conducting a study of reintegration following assisted voluntary return and deportation. Talitha Dubow will present on the returned migrants‘ economic and socio-cultural reintegration, their perceptions of their safety and security in Albania, as well as the impacts of policy on these reintegration processes.

Talitha Dubow is a researcher within the Migration Group at UNU-MERIT/ Maastricht Graduate School of Governance. Her research focuses on the migration trajectories and decision-making of refugees and other migrants. Prior to joining UNU-MERIT and Maastricht University, Talitha worked on research projects spanning innovation and entrepreneurship, civic engagement and political participation, and counterradicalisation and violent extremism.

The talk on 16 December 2020 is taking place in the framework of BICC’s Brown Bag Lecture Series “Displacement and Development” which aims to interlink conflict and displacement studies on the one hand and development respectively humanitarian aidoriented analyses on the other.

Please join the Zoom-Meeting on 16 December 2020, 12:30 hrs. Amsterdam, Berlin, Rom, Stockholm, Wien: 

Meeting-ID: 886 4057 6637
Kenncode: 765117
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